Friday the 13th Drinking Game: Vape Version
You're probably staying in this weekend for....reasons. Here's something that we hope will help lighten the mood a bit. A Friday the 13th Vaping game you can play at home with your friends! Below are the rules:
You will need:
- Something to vape. We recommend something potent and heady, like SubZero by Army of Dankness. Hanging out with friends? Try one of the more energizing marijuana strains!
- Something to smoke with
- The "Friday the 13th" Movie
- Snacks for when the munchies take hold
Take a hit every time. . .
- Someone dies
- You hear the "ch ch ch, ah ah ah" sound
- The killer jumps out unexpectedly
- Someone takes their clothes off
- A dead body is found
- Someone says “Jason”
- Someone smokes (anything)
- Someone drinks alcohol
- Someone mentions a curse
Original Rules provided by Camp Blood