8 Natural Remedies That You Can Do At Home To Combat Anxiety


Anxiety is a growing ailment in today's society. Oftentimes it can hit you without a moment's notice, and not everyone is comfortable taking pills as a remedy. This article will explore ways to combat anxiety without medications and without having to leave home.

In some cases, anxiety will need to be treated more thoroughly and consultation of a therapist is recommended. Here are 8 natural anxiety remedies you can do in the comfort of your home.


1. Drinking a Cup of Tea

While the British think this is a solution for everything, teas such as chamomile and green tea can actually help when feeling anxious. Woman drinking a cup of tea at homeChamomile is one of the oldest and most widely documented medicinal plants in the world. The compounds found in chamomile bind to the same receptors that drugs such as Valium would, providing a similar effect. 

Green tea contains an amino acid known as L-theanine. L-Theanine has been shown to help slow down a rising heart rate and blood pressure. Green tea also helps by keeping you alert, as well as making you feel relaxed which aids on clearing your mind. Grab a cup and start brewing yourself some green tea. You will feel good about it.


2. Exercise

Often, when anxiety hits, the last thing you want to do is exercise, especially if you are not a very active person. man walking exercise However, spending 20 to 30 minutes doing an activity that gets your heart pumping can reduce your anxiety. Exercising releases endorphins, which make you feel good and give you a safe and natural high that can get you out of the slump you may be feeling. 

Exercising on a regular basis increases self-esteem and makes your body feel healthier. Many people find that a leading cause of anxiety is worrying about poor health and illness. By staying active even for only half an hour a day, this can help to dissipate those worries. If you don't feel like leaving the house to go to the gym, do a home workout or just go for a few loops around the block.


3. Aromatherapy

Defined as the art and science of using aromatic plant extracts and oils to harmonize the body mind and spirit. aromatherapy using a portable vaporizer Like the aroma of lavender and other essential oils has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety. Consuming lavender, whether by inhalation or by Vaporizing thru the use of a handheld vaporizer, can have a calming and relaxing effect on the brain and body. The smell of lavender is considered restorative for the nervous system. It has been known to help with restlessness, irritability, panic attacks, nervous stomach, and tension.

Other essential oils that help combat anxiety are rose oil, ylang ylang, and chamomile. Rose is very settling for an emotional heart and it helps with panic attacks. Ylang ylang is known for its calming and uplifting effect and it can stimulate cheerfulness and optimism. Chamomile is known for its peaceful and calming scent, which decreases irritability and overthinking. The most common way to use essential oils is  through aromatherapy as our sense of smell can trigger strong emotional responses. You can do this by inhaling the oil directly, infusing it in a bath, and putting a few drops in a humidifier or through an aromatherapy diffuser.


4. Yoga breathing (Pranayama)

This breathing technique is a process that shifts you from an unconscious breathing pattern to a conscious one by making your breath long, deep, and smooth. woman doing yoga at home Unconscious breathing patterns are often shallow and erratic, which creates tension in our bodies. This technique fosters a long, smooth exhale, which activates a relaxation response in our body, reducing stress and its effects on our mind and body.

Conscious breathing engages your mind and helps you to become more focused, which can help soothe nervous and anxious thoughts. A suggested way to do this is to lie comfortably on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart. Place your palm on your abdomen, then listen and feel your breath come in and out. Gradually allow your breathing to become as relaxed and smooth as possible, pausing slightly between each inhale and exhale. This technique quiets and calms the nervous system while reducing stress and creating self-awareness.


5. Eat

Oftentimes, anxiety can be brought on by something as simple as skipping a meal. Your body is trying to communicate with you and that can manifest as feeling anxious. eating healthy to fight anxiety The trouble with this is that anxiety can also come with a loss of appetite. If losing your appetite is one of your symptoms try to eat small snacks throughout the day to make sure you are still getting enough nutrients and energy. Try to avoid junk food, as it can often make you feel sluggish and bloated and oftentimes guilty for eating badly. Fruit and vegetables are full of antioxidants that can help repair and protect our cells giving you that boost you often need when you are stressed out.

Fruit high in vitamin C also helps you to feel awake and energized. Eating salmon instead of heavy red meats can also help as salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help keep your cortisol levels and adrenaline from spiking during times of stress. Meal prepping is a good tool to utilize, because usually when anxiety hits, even a simple task like cooking can be daunting. Having fully prepared meals ready to be heated up can reduce your workload and your stress. It also helps to create some sort of routine and structure if you have a busy and overwhelming daily life.


6. Take a hot bath/shower

A great thing to do whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious is to run a hot bath or hop in the shower. bath stuff to take a hot shower or bath The water will help you to feel like you are washing away the dirt of the day and can even help you to feel like you are washing away some of your worries.

Enveloping yourself in warm water also creates a sense of comfort and well-being, as we often relate being warm to being safe and comfortable. The steam will open up your sinuses and your pores helping you to really feel cleansed and lighter. Using your favorite body washes and shampoos can also help you to feel pampered and taken care of. Soaking in a bath soothes muscle aches and weariness, which can often come hand in hand with anxiety.


7. Mindfulness meditation

With the growth of technology, there has also been a growth in self-care apps that you can use from home. zen garden symbol of mindful meditation One of the most recommended mindfulness apps is Headspace, which comes with a free 10-day trial. It suggests meditating for 10 minutes a day to reduce stress. The great part about having an app is that you can use it on the go wherever you are. Headspace also comes with an offline feature, which allows you to download sessions that can be accessed without data or wifi. Headspace has over 5 million users and also has a feature that allows you to connect with friends for that extra motivation to keep using the app.

If Headspace isn't the right fit for you then there is also Smiling Mind. Smiling Mind is a free app that is aiming to make mindfulness meditation accessible to everyone. It is for all ages and has different programs geared towards different age groups. It was developed with psychologists and health professionals and is being used in schools and work-places as a tool to build individual mental health and well-being. Using either one of these apps for just a short period of time per day has shown an increase in mental well-being and a reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, and a may provide a better quality of life.


8. Talking to someone

Whether it is face to face, over the phone, or via texting, reaching out to someone to talk can help reduce anxiety. talking to someone and have good time Feeling connected to friends and family helps combat the isolation that often comes with anxiety. Talking to someone about what you are feeling and going through can help to pinpoint what might be triggering your anxious feelings, and together you might be able to find a solution to combat it.

Even if you aren't discussing your anxiety, connecting with someone will help you to feel grounded and bring you out of your head. Often with anxiety, your nervous thoughts can quickly spiral out of control, so having someone to talk to can help stop that from happening. Creating a strong support system is important and reaching out to them when you are in need will help to strengthen that bond.

Take note:

With anxiety being so prevalent in this age, it is so important that those who are affected are able to find easy relief that doesn't aggravate the symptoms they are already feeling. Sometimes, going into public can be a battle if you are already anxious.

This list can help find techniques to ease anxiety from the comfort on your own home. In fact, several of our customers who have used our portable vaporizers have shared that they have truly benefited from vaporizing aromatherapy herbs during their sessions. If you are curious on knowing more on what herbs to vaporize to help combat anxiety, you can check our aromatherapy videos. Keep in mind, while this isn't a comprehensive guide or even professional advice, this list offers a few easy solutions to those who are unable to face the public eye when anxious or nervous.

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