Vaporizers are the healthier, more enjoyable alternative to fire and ash. Unfortunately, not all of them are created equal to accommodate multi-material use. While some people prefer vaping with essential oils, others may prefer solid concentrates, like wax. Then there are those who have a penchant for the good ole’ fashioned herbs. See the dilemma here?
Vaporizers are an investment, and no one has the desire to splurge on three separate devices for three different modes of delivery. The good news? You no longer have to resort to ‘eenie-meenie-mo’ when pondering your next vape purchase. The Ascent by Davinci has swooped in to remedy this first-world dilemma, allowing vape users around the world to have their cake - and eat it too (though in this case, it’s probably best you don’t).
Aptly referred to as a “3-in-1” vaporizer, this functional device accommodates not one, not two, but (yup, you’ve guessed it!) three different types of materials: dry, solid, and liquid. For the indecisive user, the Ascent is the ultimate device that pretty much pays for itself. Wanna learn more? For additional product specs, check out our latest infographic, here.
So you've read how multi-functional the Ascent is on this infographic. Well, check out the video below to see how you can use the Ascent for aromatherapy.
Best Selling Portable Vaporizers
Davinci ARTIQ Cartridge Vaporizer
DAVINCI IQ2 Vaporizer
Davinci IQC Vaporizer
Davinci MIQRO-C
Davinci IQ2 Carbon Vaporizer, Limited Edition Collector's Edition