How Does THC Affect The Brain, Body & Behavior?


Some people are wary about using Cannabis because of what they might have heard or experienced before. Today, we will go over how exactly THC affects your brain, your body and your behavior.

Cannabis reaches the same pleasure centers in the brain that are targeted by other drugs. 

Depending on the quantity, quality and method of consumption, Cannabis can produce a feeling of euphoria by stimulating the brain to release dopamine. When inhaled, this feeling is almost immediate. When ingested in food, this takes much longer, even hours, for the drug to signal the brain to release the dopamine. Smoking it also has a different effect on the body. Check out the video below to see why you should start vaping cannabis instead.

For others, changes in mood can occur with relaxation being the most common. Some users experience heightened sensory perception, with colors appearing more vivid and noises being louder. For some, Cannabis can cause an altered perception of time and increased appetite.

The overall impact of THC can differ by person, based on a few factors: 

  • How often they have used it, the strength of it, and how long it has been since they have last used it.
  • "In some cases, reported side effects of THC include elation, anxiety, tachycardia, short-term memory recall issues, sedation, relaxation, pain-relief and many more," said A.J. Fabrizio, a Cannabis chemistry expert at Terra Tech Corp, a California agricultural company focused on local farming and medical Cannabis.
  • When coming down from the high, users may feel depressed or extremely tired. While Cannabis use produces a mellow experience for some, it can also heighten agitation, anxiety, insomnia and irritability in others.

Cannabis smoke can cause many of the same respiratory problems experienced by tobacco smokers, such as increased daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illnesses such as bronchitis, and a greater instance of lung infections. 

Green Cannabis Weird Strain

It is due to this that we recommend vaping, as this eliminates the whole smoke aspect from the equation.

A 2017 study by the Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia found that those who used Cannabis were 26 percent more likely to have a stroke than those who do not. Those studied were also 10 percent more likely to have developed heart failure. 

Cannabis can also raise heart rate by 20 percent up to even 100 percent shortly after inhaling, and the effect can last up to three hours. 

Cannabis also can reduce sperm production in men and can disrupt a woman's menstrual cycle.

While it is widely thought that Cannabis is not addictive, about 30 percent of users may have some degree of Cannabis use disorder. 

Long-term Cannabis users who try to quit can experience cravings, irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite and anxiety — some of the same physical symptoms of those trying to quit other types of drugs or alcohol.

As you can see, Cannabis can affect your body in both positive and negative ways, so it is imperative that you be conscious of what you are putting into your body and the methods by which you are doing so. 

You are in control, and that is exactly what we designed our vaporizers for.

#Medical Cannabis
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