LA Lists Cannabis Dispensaries as Essential Businesses


The “safer at home” emergency order that has been announced by LA County during a Thursday evening news conference mandates that all indoor malls, shopping centers, playgrounds and nonessential retail businesses be closed effective midnight tonight through April 19. Allowed to operate — as long as they observe proper social-distancing guidelines and do not include more than 10 people in one place — are a list of essential services including city and county government services, grocery stores, hardware stores and, yes it's true, cannabis dispensaries.

Unlike the confusion surrounding cannabis businesses in the Bay Area “shelter in place” order that was announced Monday (which had dispensaries closing only to open the next day after a handful of cities — including San Francisco and San Jose — clarified that they could remain open), the city of Los Angeles’ coronavirus FAQ lists as essential healthcare services “cannabis dispensaries, or any related and/or ancillary healthcare services.”

The actual order by the county of Los Angeles reads a bit differently, noting that it does not apply to healthcare organizations including “cannabis dispensaries with a medicinal cannabis license,” though when the order was announced, The Mayor of LA Eric Garcetti said that the cities and the county had worked hard to ensure that the details of the order were not in conflict.

Source: LATimes

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