Quick Facts To Know About Cannabis And Pregnancy


There are so many mental and physical health advantages to cannabis. But when it comes to the relationship between cannabis and pregnancy, there are no few definitive harmful effects or clear benefits. This area of science is highly understudied, and therefore it’s difficult to draw any well-defined conclusions – be it positive or negative.

Mothers-to-be receive large amounts of medical advice to ensure that both their health and that of their growing baby is in optimal condition. So, given that the amount of studies associated with cannabis usage during pregnancy are currently lacking, it’s a good idea to approach the topic with caution, both for health and legal reasons, so you don’t end up in trouble (check out our article on George Cannabis Laws to learn more specifics about how different states have individual cannabis regulations).

If you’re more interested in topics such as the effects of CBD vs THC on anxiety you can read more at the link above.

The Rising Use Of Cannabis

Studies by trusted sources clearly show that the use of cannabis is rising in the United States due to its perceived health benefits. Many people today prefer to use cannabis vaporizers, as a way to avoid the health issues commonly caused through smoking.

Perhaps the non-pregnant cannabis-using population feels that their health concerns have decreased, but this is not the case for pregnant women. The effects of cannabis on pregnancy are unclear, leaving many people with questions. Given this, it is best to consult a healthcare professional on the topic rather than make the decision on your own.


Even if the connection between cannabis and pregnancy is not clear yet, there is no doubt that cannabis offers some great advantages when it comes to dealing with different health issues, such as:

Chronic Pain

More than twenty-five million people are affected by chronic pain in the USA. Fortunately, numerou studies now show that cannabis and products that contain THC as the active ingredient could work as a healing agent for chronic pain. Cannabis works on specific receptors in the brain, relieving pain, thus allowing a person to stay active.

Alcoholism And Drug Addiction

Another comprehensive study has proven that cannabis can help people with opioid dependencies as well as alcohol addiction. Some research suggests that cannabis can increase the risk of substance abuse by acting as a gateway drug. However, other research has demonstrated that cannabis consumption can limit alcohol use in young people and therefore keep them away from all kinds of severe kidney and liver illnesses associated with alcoholism.

Depression And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Evidence suggests that cannabis can sometimes help treat severe mental health conditions, including offering relief from depression and even post-traumatic stress disorder. But people struggling with their mental health should never begin to consume cannabis on their own as a form of self-medication as it could end up having negative consequences, rather they should work with their healthcare professional to develop a treatment plan.


One of the proven benefits of medical cannabis is its ability to deal with cancer. Even though the effects of cannabis during pregnancy have not been thoroughly researched, cannabis is proven to reduce the effects of chemotherapy, including vomiting and nausea, which could mean that cannabis has the potential to help eliminate symptoms of morning sickness.


The tense debate of whether it’s safe to use cannabis during pregnancy is still under discussion. Even if cannabis has proven its potential for treating and solving various ailments, there are still no comprehensive scientific studies of its effects on pregnancy.

So far, more than twenty-nine states have legalized cannabis’ recreational and medicinal uses. Still, when it comes to using cannabis during pregnancy, it’s best to act with caution and under strict medical supervision. 

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