Women and Cannabis Wellness - Why They Can Be Friends!


The increasing number of women coming forward and proclaiming themselves as cannabis users signifies a large change both in how women view marijuana, as well as in how female marijuana users are viewed. And it may also be the reason why so many regular women—famous users like Rihanna and Lady Gaga aside—are beginning to open up about their habits. Check out the video below to see how the DaVinci IQ can get incorporated in your lifestyle.

But, did you know that women experience cannabis in different ways than men? It turns out that THC and your hormones actually interact quite a bit. Recent research has found that estrogen makes women more sensitive to cannabis. Though we have known for a long time that certain drugs affect men and women differently, the majority of studies out there focus on men. This has created a huge information gap in women’s health; a gap that desperately needs to be filled. A few researchers are trying to combat this phenomenon. In the past few years, new studies have shed some light on how the herb produces different effects in women.

Women have a particularly interesting reaction to cannabis due to estrogen levels. Estrogen levels play a role in how receptive your brain is to external cannabinoids, as researchers propose that estrogen receptors are along the pathway for THC intake. The interaction between estrogen and THC makes women more sensitive to the compound in general, which gives cannabis greater pain-relieving effects.

The highest levels of the body’s natural endocannabinoids tend to be during ovulation, and there is evidence that endocannabinoid action can assist fertility in women. Basically, in smaller doses, cannabis increases sexual appetite in women. In larger doses, however, it tends to have the opposite effect. There’s a bit of a catch to this one. In low doses, cannabis causes an increase in female libido. High doses, however, seem to have the opposite effect. Estrogen is once again the culprit behind this effect. Estrogen levels are major contributors to the female sex drive. The cross-talk between estrogen and THC is thought to influence libido. Yet, in high doses, THC may interfere with estrogen and thereby make you less interested in sex. For best results, you should opt for a low THC strain (14% or so).

And, if you’re someone who has trouble having sex, either due to uncomfortable or painful penetration or trouble reaching orgasm, marijuana can help you out. There are a few companies now that make THC-infused lubricant and even a strain of weed cultivated specifically to help women climax. Even without the fancy lube and orgasm-inducing strains, cannabis is a known aphrodisiac. It enhances every part of the human sexual response cycle, making it the perfect accessory for your nightstand drawer.

It has also been found that women tend to experience more dizziness when using cannabis. Females have reported using cannabis mainly when feeling anxious, and also may experience weaker effects due to a difference in body weight distribution. Additionally, women are more susceptible to visuospatial memory impairment after consuming cannabis. Visuospatial memory is what allows you to create maps in your head. It helps you recall directions and remember locations of things. With chronic cannabis usage, women seemed to have more trouble with this form of memory than men.

Your cycle can also actually influence your high. A Washington State University research team found that women experience the most effects from THC when estrogen has peaked and is beginning to fall. This happens a day or two before you ovulate.

Washington State University researchers found that females might become tolerant to THC more quickly. This trait was tested in male and female rats. Since women seem to be more sensitive to THC, the researchers started the lady rats off with a lower dose. They then monitored rats of both sexes for 10 days. After the 10 day period, the female rats needed a much larger dose to exhibit the same effects. Though this test was done in rodents, it hints that women become desensitized to the psychoactive more quickly. Taking tolerance breaks can address this issue.

Researchers also found that women are more susceptible to developing a dependence on cannabis and that they experience withdrawal symptoms more severely. Dependence in women occurs much more quickly than in men. Women can find themselves leaning on their little green friend a little heavy within their first few experiences, whereas with men it doesn't seem to be as big of a deal. When examining behavioral patterns, including sleep and eating habits of women after quitting cannabis, scientists found that they were more adversely affected by the symptoms of withdrawal than their male counterparts.

When it comes to female-related health, cannabis can be a life-saver. Literally. Thousands of women use the healing powers of marijuana to combat the painful symptoms of chronic conditions like endometriosis and pre-menstrual syndrome.

Anyone who has ever experienced menstruation has likely also experienced pre-menstrual syndrome. Often abbreviated to PMS, it’s a catch-all term for the various side-effects that can come with an internal organ ripping itself up. Some of the common side-effects include nausea, moodiness, migraines and abdominal cramps, ranging from mild to severe. Some people even experience fever-like symptoms, such as chills and dizziness.

Sounds like fun, right? But, best of all, most people who experience these symptoms get to experience them every 21-35 days.

While PMS is unpleasant, there are over-the-counter medications that one can take to alleviate it. Common pills include Midol and Advil. While OTC medication is totally fine, it’s not the best option for some. So, what are you supposed to do when you’re cramping up and can’t stomach these meds?

Well, for centuries, women have found relief in the form of cannabis. Whether you vape it, eat it or slather on a topical, weed has been shown to alleviate the pain, nausea and depression that often comes with getting your period. While there are about a million strains of bud on the planet, indica-dominant weed is likely your best choice for soothing your PMS.

Another issue that cannabis helps with is endometriosis. While endometriosis is also a cause of pelvic pain, it’s an entirely different beast than PMS. Endometriosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects about 10 percent of women worldwide. Characterized by the occurrence of endometrial tissue developing outside the uterus, it causes excruciating pain, emotional distress and in many cases, infertility. There is currently no cure for endometriosis. And it’s notoriously difficult to diagnose.

Some sufferers go 30 years without a proper diagnosis. Doctors commonly prescribe opioid-based medication to alleviate the debilitating pain. But opioids often come with a host of unpleasant side-effects including constipation and dependency. Today, more and more sufferers of endometriosis are finding relief from cannabis. Now that medical marijuana is becoming more accepted, people with this disease have a wide variety of strains and consumption methods to choose from.

It is practically impossible in this day and age to remain ignorant about the myriad health benefits that cannabis has to offer. But can cannabis truly assist with female-related health specifically? The answer seems to be a definite yes. From the commonly experienced pre-menstrual syndrome to the emotionally wearing endometriosis and to sex difficulties, marijuana can be a remedy for female-related health issues. If you're looking for highly recommended marijuana dispensaries in the Pacific region, check out what Nevada, California and Hawaii can offer you.

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