Our IQ2, IQC, and MIQRO vaporizers are ideal for those who utilize dry herb plants and essential oils in the practice of aromatherapy. Handheld vaporizers use temperature control in the form of a conduction oven to heat herb matter, concentrates, or oils to an exact temperature. Each portable vaporizer can be charged with a USB charger or with rechargeable batteries. To use your vaporizer throughout the day, take a charger with you to prolong the battery life.With a portable vaporizer, you can have a cleaner, tastier, and healthier vape experience.Our portable vaporizers are also compatible with dab wax and THC oil, further expanding your options and personal vape experience. Since different substances contain varying strengths of THC, check the strength of the material, and adjust the heating setting accordingly. You’ll be able to enjoy your concentrates and dry herb any way you like with one of our vapes. Using a vape pen is the way forward for the modern cannabis consumer. The vaporizer is easy to use, and extremely portable, making THC use convenient while also reducing its strong odor. The Davinci Vape line is also one of the most advanced and forward-thinking set of vape devices available.